Images Of The Past is located in Dover, New Hampshire. Thom Hindle has a collection of over 100,000 glass plate negatives of historical photography. These old photographs are timeless, antique photos including auto, victorian children, antique boats, historical sites, hunting, camping, and other moments of history from Hampton, Kittery, Maine, Rye, and York.

Seacoast Image
Appledore House
Isles of Shoals
(early 1900's)
Seacoast Image
Thaxter Cottage
Isles of Shoals
(early 1900's)
Seacoast Image
Thaxter Cottage Gallery
Isles of Shoals
Seacoast Image
Steamer May Archer
at Appledore
Isles of Shoals
Jenny Airplane at Boars Head
Hampton Beach, NH
Hampton Beach
Lamies Tavern
Hampton, NH
Farragut Hotel
Rye, NH
Ft McClary
circa 1890s Kittery, Maine
Original Black Light/Nubble
circa 1890s York, Me
Nubble Lighthouse & Bell Tower
early 1900s York Me
Beach Boys
early 1900s Rye, N.H.
Youngs Hotel /Short Sands
early 1900s York Beach Maine
1940s York Beach, Maine
Youngs Hotel
1920s York Beach Maine
York Beach Hotel
1930s York Beach Maine

If you are looking for a specific image, email your request. We have over 100,000 in our archives. 

Images of the Past Gallery
35 Atkinson Street
Dover, NH 03820
Phone: 603-742-7783

Thom Hindle Collection © 2008 All Rights Reserved